Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We THON in 2

Just 2 more days

Two more days until we stand for 46 hours together. So, we thought we would post 2 of our favorite THON videos (that we have watched 200 times). These videos just put us in the mood to THON and have the most amazing messages. They embody our passion for this cause, and they help us forget any doubts or worries we have about the weekend. This is all FTK! 

Sit back, relax, watch for the first time or the 100th time, and let the goosebumps take over! 

Don't Waste One Minute 

THON 2014, Redefined 

Whenever we watch these videos, we are in awe of the students (directors, captains, and committee members) that so selflessly give up their time to make this weekend run so smoothly and make all of the moving pieces fit together in what many call an “organized chaos”. It’s this organized chaos, put together completely by students, that makes us appreciate it that much more.

For the Kids, For the Fight, For the Cure,

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