Monday, February 24, 2014

THON Aftermath

I cannot believe that it's really over. I know I keep thanking you for all of your support, but as we sit here unpacking from the weekend we are truly overwhelmed with love. 

Stay tuned for our FINAL blogpost, to come tonight. Can you even believe it? 
Time flies. 

Presents from ALL OF YOU <3
(Btw, if you can't tell from the table, caffeine is back in my life -- AMEN)

Dancer Mail

We have made it through a good chunk of the weekend so far, and I just have to say, you are all so wonderful. We know we still have a lot to go (we don't know the time, so don't tell us!) , but I knew I needed to post! With the hustle and bustle of life nowadays, sometimes we forget the way that people see us or what they think about us. YOU all are keeping us standing because of your beautiful notes and well wishes. We haven't even gotten them all yet!

THANK YOU! For keeping us standing.

The best THON will be the one we don't have to have.

Stay with us, 

Sam, Steph & Chelsea

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

We THON in 1 !!

It's finally here. We THON tomorrow! We have officially hit the 24-hour mark. 

As our last post before the big weekend, we want to know "Who do you THON for?

Ellen Smith!
Recently, Chelsea and I were Adopted by a Four Diamonds Family, the Ellen Smith family, through the Adopt an Independent Dancer Program. Tomorrow will be our first time meeting them in person, and we are so excited. They have shared their story on the THON blog, and with us, and they will boost our spirits, hang out with us, and keep us inspired all weekend. 

A small blurb about the Smith Family: Ellen was diagnosed with brain cancer when she was 10 years old, in 2011. Her tumor has since shrunk, but she is still going through treatment. This is her family's third THON, and they really look forward to it. In her recent e-mail to us, Ellen's mom expressed her excitement,
          "We love you for what you do for us and all of the other 
          families- So happy to get to experience this weekend together!" 
Chelsea and I are just as excited to meet Ellen and the Smith's, and thrilled to have new friends at THON. 

To read more about Ellen's story, check out the THON blog by clicking here--> Ellen Smith Family

UPDATE: Danny Hammond passed away today (2/20/14). We THON for him, for his family, and for the cure. RIP, angel-- you are a super hero.  

As our last post before the weekend begins, I wanted to leave you with this: 
(shoutout to my mom for sending this to me earlier today!)

How many people does it take to make a difference?

ONE song can spark a moment 
ONE flower can wake the dream 
ONE tree can start a forest 
ONE bird can herald spring
ONE smile begins a friendship 
ONE handclasp lifts a soul 
ONE star can guide a ship at sea 
ONE word can frame the goal 
ONE vote can change a nation 
ONE sunbeam lights a room 
ONE candle wipes out darkness 
ONE laugh will conquer gloom 
ONE step must start each journey 
ONE word must start a prayer 
ONE hope will raise our spirits 
ONE touch can show you care 
ONE voice can speak with wisdom 
ONE heart can know what’s true 
ONE life can make a difference 
That difference starts with you. "
The One Book by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada

We THON because of how strongly we believe in this. We can make a difference! 
For the Kids, for the Fight, for the cure. 
Keep up with us throughout the weekend!! We only have a few more posts left to write, and that is so bittersweet. 
 Thank you for all of your support this THON season,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We THON in 2

Just 2 more days

Two more days until we stand for 46 hours together. So, we thought we would post 2 of our favorite THON videos (that we have watched 200 times). These videos just put us in the mood to THON and have the most amazing messages. They embody our passion for this cause, and they help us forget any doubts or worries we have about the weekend. This is all FTK! 

Sit back, relax, watch for the first time or the 100th time, and let the goosebumps take over! 

Don't Waste One Minute 

THON 2014, Redefined 

Whenever we watch these videos, we are in awe of the students (directors, captains, and committee members) that so selflessly give up their time to make this weekend run so smoothly and make all of the moving pieces fit together in what many call an “organized chaos”. It’s this organized chaos, put together completely by students, that makes us appreciate it that much more.

For the Kids, For the Fight, For the Cure,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We THON in 3

With just THREE days left until the big day, we have some exciting info to share! 

One very important aspect of the 46-hour THON experience, from what we have learned, is the support. Support from our readers, our donators, our friends and our family, and of course from our moralers!! 

Just a few days after we received the very exciting news that Chelsea and I would be dancing in THON, our moralers introduced themselves to us! For those of you who don't know, the Morale committee is responsible for providing physical and emotional support throughout THON weekend. Each committee member is assigned a dancer to take care of for all 46 hours.  

Lucky us, we were assigned some pretty awesome dudes (pictured below). Needless to say, it is clear they will be making us smile for the entirety of the weekend. 

John Stuetz (left) & Joey Hoyson (right)
 We have gone on lunch dates, read their pump-up e-mails and texts, and we smile every time we see pictures of them like this! They are the perfect mix in personality to entertain Chelsea and I, and they are already so supportive and wonderful. At this point, we couldn't imagine the weekend without them

We THON in 3! Check back tomorrow for the second part of our countdown,
FTK always & thank you
Sam & Chels
Our first dancer meeting! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dancer Mail

We have yet another task for our wonderful supporters. We need you guys to make us dancer mail

          Dancer Mail is a way for our family, friends, and anyone to help us get through our weekend with smiles on our faces. Mail Call is a time during THON weekend where Chelsea and I get to read letters and open packages from anyone and everyone who loves and supports us and wants to keep us standing! 

Turn all letters in to 324 HUB and all packages to 327 HUB. Make sure to have our name and dancer number on the letter/package. 

Our new dancer number is....drumroll please...

335 !
335A: Sam Florio 
335B: Chelsea Mullin

If you want to mail your letters and packages because you aren't a Penn State student, this is the address:

Attn: Mail Call

335A or 335B, Samantha Florio or Chelsea Mullin 
210 Hetzel Union Building (HUB)
University Park, PA 16802

Everything is due by February 13! (postmarked by Feb. 11). We know that this is soon, so thank you for anything you can do. 

Click this link for some tips and guidelines! --> Dancer Mail Tips