Sunday, January 19, 2014

We're Back!

Hello family and friends, 

We were on a brief hiatus due to the holidays, finals and the New Year, but now we are back! Guess what? THON 2014 is in exactly one month. Time has absolutely flown since Chelsea and I decided to try and dance and become such an amazing part of the THON community. Believe it or not, we started this blog in September. We have just a short amount of time left until our fundraising window closes

Don't forget we have a "Donate Now" (<-- click this!) page. Help us out by getting your donations in ASAP! And check out all of our blog posts and pages to see what an amazing organization and event THON is and where exactly your money is going.  

As always, we appreciate ALL of your help. Share our posts, share our blog, get our links out to anyone and everyone! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. More posts to come in the next few days, 
Chelsea and Sam

In front of the wonderful PSU landmark, Old Main!

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