Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Canning Weekend Three

Last week was our final canning weekend. Not only does "final" mean the last one of the THON 2014 season, but it also means Chelsea and my last canning weekend ever. 

No longer will we stand, hands cramping, legs sore, bodies freezing, on the streets begging for money.As the days quickly pass us by, we experience "lasts" of more and more events as students. We are getting a little sad, but we are pushing as hard as we can to make our last THON as students, the best one ever.
Now, for the rest of our lives as Penn State Alums, we will be the warm ones in the cars placing money into cans.

They say "save the best for last." At first, we just couldn't find the truth in that statement. Lights changed from red to green, and our cans felt lighter than we had hoped. Chelsea and I canned just the two of us this time--our first taste of what it would really be like on the floor together if we were lucky enough to have that opportunity. I had just been getting over strep throat, and the entire day was exhausting. Watching tumbleweeds blow through our cans was just disheartening, and I was tired.

I soon realized this weekend was last for a reason. I have the best partner in the world to go through an experience like this one. She let me sit in the car and get warm anytime I needed to, she didn't care when I complained about being sick (well, I'm sure she cared, but she let me complain anyway), and we spent the entire day together boosting each other's spirits and talking about new ways for us to fundraise.

Maybe we didn't make as much money as we would have liked to on our final canning weekend, but you want to know the coolest part? Our THON mentality didn't let us get down. Chelsea kept me motivated and standing the best that she could. It was exciting, and I can't wait until the moments where I get to keep her standing.

Await our THONvelopes, e-mails and updates! The closer we get, the more we will be posting.

Thank you and keep on reading! 

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