Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our First Canning Trip!

Following us on our journey means we want to share everything from challenges we face to amazing accomplishments. Our first canning trip had a little bit of both. It's been a little over a week since we canned, but Chelsea and I have been swamped with school work. Anyway, better late than never, I always say--or always have to say because I can't be on time for anything...ever.

We headed out from State College on Friday afternoon a little nervous about canning with just three people. We are blessed to have such generous and philanthropic friends who were going on their own canning trips! A quick side bar: We have to thank our lovely roommate, Amanda (pictured on the right), for powering through FTK and FTR "for the roommates," as cleverly created by her. Chelsea, Amanda, and I were excited to get started fundraising, but knowing that I had to can all of Saturday without my dance partner had me feeling a little apprehensive.

We found out earlier in the week that Chelsea's grandmother had passed away, and the services were all taking place on Saturday. We saw first hand that week how fleeting life can be, and this thought only motivated us to work harder. Strength, we learned, does not come without challenges. Chelsea and I took this obstacle and used it to help us fight for the cure, and for the kids. That's why THON itself exists, to celebrate the beauty of life and to teach us not to take it for granted.

With heavy hearts for Chelsea and her family, Amanda and I set out to can. It was a long day. Thank God for Dunkin Donuts coffee and for my mother (her selection of snacks was spot on). At one of the most difficult times of the day, a hot sun and tired feet can only be ignored for so long, we witnessed again the spirit of generosity that THON annually inspires. A man nonchalantly dropped a 100 dollar bill into our can! We barely had time to thank him before he pulled away. Dumbfounded, we stood for a few moments until the celebration ensued.

Sunday morning all three of us made it out early in the AM (coffee in hand of course). Every year we are amazed at the amount of people who make it a mission to donate. It doesn't matter if it's all of the change from their car, a dollar, or a 100 dollar bill. The sheer joy and excitement we feel as people fill our cans is enough to solidify our decision to try to dance in THON 2014.

Me and my dancin' queen <3
It was a challenging but fulfilling first week, and we look forward to see what else this fundraising season has in store for Chelsea and I as partners!

Thanks for reading, family and friends, 

RIP Margaret Passione (1939-2013)

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